our vision

for access

In line with our festival theme of “Together Gather” and this year’s artistic mission to foster and broaden our sense of community, we have adopted the following principles for the flow of resources:

  • We invite and support access and participation for everyone who wants to be there

  • We ask for what we need and offer what we can 

  • We invite collective generosity and abundance

  • Workshops and their associated resources are to nourish our regional community of practice, and build capacity - especially for collaboration

  • Expressions of need will be invited and met with care, discretion and support for people’s circumstances and dignity

Supporting access for everyone who wants to be there

Singapore can be an expensive city! This year, we are taking extra effort to ensure greater financial access to our festival - in the hopes that anyone who wants to attend can do so.

As a non-profit and 100% volunteer-driven festival, we have kept our ticket prices for shows and workshops as low as possible - while still covering as many direct costs as possible (primarily venue fees and logistics).

All performers are welcome to watch all shows for free, depending on seat availability.

We are also offering two price points for our workshop tickets - Standard and Reduced - with the intention of increasing accessibility and allowing more participants to benefit from this training who wouldn't be able to otherwise.

You may select your ticket price according to your personal financial circumstances - no questions asked!

And if these prices still pose a barrier, please turn to the Community Gifts fund.

community gifts

We understand that these ticket prices might still be a lot for some people, while they are not much for others. That’s why we are creating a pot of funds called Community Gifts that everyone can give to, and ask for support from. Offer what you can - whether you are attending these workshops or not, you can join us in enabling everyone who wants to be there by contributing to this pot. 

This is the first time in the history of the Singapore Improv Festival that we have attempted a model like this, and any leftover funds in this pot will be saved for the purpose of enabling financial accessibility in future Festivals.

(Special thanks to the people who inspired this model for us: The Art of Hosting.)

  • Audiences will be able to watch free shows in the courtyard, and participate in other pay-what-you-can activities in the schedule. Performers and teachers can also watch any ticketed festival show for free, if seats are still available prior to the performance start time.

  • The Community Gifts fund was created specifically to offset the price of the festival workshops (though there is a small allocation for shows, too).

    We operate with the principle of “ask for what we need, and offer what we can”. If the Standard and Reduced ticket prices are beyond your capacity, you can ask for support from the Community Gifts pot. For example, if you can only offer SGD 25, you can ask for the remaining SGD 50 from the Gifts. 

    Please write to us at support@singaporeimprovfestival.com and include your name, contact details, the show/workshop slot(s) you wish to attend and what you can offer. Please note that each request is subject to seat availability and fund availability - so the earlier you ask, the better. 

    We know that asking for help sometimes requires lots of courage and consideration. Feel free to reach out to us if you would like to have a conversation before deciding. We would love to hear from you and discover together how we can make attending  possible for you. 

  • Thank you for your generosity and support in community-building! If you wish to contribute to the community gift pot, please refer to the bank details below:

    Beneficiary: Singapore Improv Festival Limited

    Account number: 0721156890


    Bank: DBS Bank Ltd Singapore


    Bank code is 7171

    Branch code is 072

    UEN: 202409793Z

    For assistance, please write to us at support@singaporeimprovfestival.com.

    All funds received for this pot will go towards covering the fee for participants with limited financial means. The exciting part is we are not starting from zero - we are starting with at least SGD 555 as of 1st August in the pot from our community!